Custom Wordpress Theme

Created by Gabriel Calvo

About this theme

This site is based on a pure static html5/css/javascript template. After this works is done, the next step is the integration of this into the WordPress environmet.

Taking advantage of the characteristics of this framework we can have a dynamic site self-managed by the user thanks to its easy-to-use interface.

About me

My name is Gabriel Calvo and I’m a web designer with special interest in the WordPress theme development. I enjoy creating unique WordPress themes from static graphic files (Adobe XD, Figma, Illustrator or others programs) wit advanced custom fields for the client dashboard.

Some of my most representatives websites with custom WP themes are these:

You can see more of my work if you get in the “Real Projects” menu in the main menu.

Main features


Digital Illustration

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Editorial design

Etiam feugiat augue quis quam imperdiet, eget molestie magna iaculis. Phasellus sodales neque sit amet nisl fringilla efficitur.

Web design

Vivamus sit amet purus tempor turpis rhoncus aliquam. Etiam vel vehicula ex. Aliquam vitae mauris tempor, tristique velit id, sagittis erat.


Mauris egestas diam vel tristique fringilla. Quisque non ex et sapien scelerisque fringilla in non dui. Integer porttitor eu ligula vitae venenatis.

